When I think about the event of Monday, March 12, 2012, I am in awe of Yahweh's protection and power. So many times we take for granted the moment by moment plan He has for each of us as his children.
That day, Kevin and I had gone to work. We both were leaving a little early, around 3PM, to head out to Arrow for a church-wide community project. And we decided as part of our spring break, our home group would work for a few hours on Monday night.
Kevin headed to Arrow and I headed home to change clothes. While at home, I met up with my friend and neighbor, April, so we could ride together. Jerod, her hubby, was meeting us after he got off work around 5-5:30PM.
Our two youngest were a part of the “Serve” project with our church and had been at Arrow all day.
Our oldest, was planning to babysit the Talbott kiddos so they could join us at the project site. The time was around 4:30PM.
Kevin received a call from Kristen to get directions on how to get to our friend’s house. AND, around 5:30PM …the call…
I feel as though time was moving slowly and our Heavenly Father was moving everything and everyone in HIS timing!
Here is why…Kristen hit her brake just at the “right” time to miss a car hitting her in the door. Jerod, our neighbor, was just getting home and was able to be with her before we arrived at the scene. Both drivers walked away from the accident.
So blessed and so thankful for the moment by moment plan!!!!