February 20, 2009

Our anticipation of the call.

I know you have all waited for that one important call and the waiting of the ring…then your heart jumps.

Well, today was the day. Today, was a day of excitement for all of us. The girls and I waiting for Kevin to call us (he is out of town), Kevin was excited to have made the call and Alex was excited to receive the call. Today, Kevin was able to get through to the orphanage to talk to Aleks. He had tried many times on Thursday, and there was just no connection. It was frustrating.

So when Kevin called us today, we wanted to know every detail. As we drilled Kevin with “what did he say?”, “what did you ask?” Kevin shared a little taste of what I know to be future conversations with our Aleks.

You see, Aleks knew Kevin was going to call him, yesterday…and there were problems with the phone lines. Kevin was not able to get through on the line. So, today, Aleks said – “I have been waiting for you to call me”. Talk about an emotional feeling inside. Wow. Through a short 20 minutes of chatting, and translation, Aleks told Kevin he was excited to come to America. Kevin also asked him is about calling him again. And Aleks replied, “call me again, tomorrow.”

So, for today, we have been moved to a new connection with our son. Through the next few months, patiently waiting for July…we will be talking to Aleks via phone connection. That is really exciting to me.
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