March 14, 2009

What has been going on??? Well, all of our doctor's visits, medical tests, fingerprinting, certified documents, marriage/birth certificates and many forms are now in a nice, neat folder...

Yesterday, we received an e-mail from Kelly - Our Home Study has been APPROVED by One World Adoptions. YES!!!!

Kevin delivered all of the original documents to Kelly TODAY and now we need to send our application and $$$ to USCIS (United States Citizen and Immigration Services).

I am still amazed at this journey and how many people we are meeting along the way. God has placed other families in our path that are on this same journey with us. One family is waiting on reuniting with their son and one family has their daughter with them now. I am so excited as God walks with us each step of the way.

Oh, and Kevin talked to Aleks yesterday too...he had excitement in his voice as they talked. I am crazy about him...and we are counting down til summer.

More news later...
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