Okay, from the last post until now, we have had a few "fixes" to make on our paperwork. But today, Kevin took the pages of our life- our dossier, downtown to be apostilled. He called me late this afternoon to tell me "it is done!"

We are now ready to send our dossier to Latvia for translation. How do we get it there? I know you are wondering....Well, we get to ship our documentation to a new friend of our family in Virginia. A family that we have only met through our blogging and by phone calls. But we have a connection with them that is very neat to us. They have adopted their daughter from the same orphanage. And they are making their second trip into the country in their adoption process. The coolest part is they are leaving this weekend!

We are putting together a "we are excited about you" package for Alex too. Our friends will take our dossier and Aleks' package with them on their visit.

Kevin and I had so much fun shopping. It was like putting together a fun Easter basket without the basket. We are giving him a photo book of his "forever family" of us: mom, dad, sisters and extended family...and, can you say....Spiderman...? Lots of tattoos...candy... Crayola and of course, Silly Putty!!!

Another really cool thing to think about is the time frame of all this process...Kevin and I were just talking about it today. It all began mid-January. That means is has been around eight weeks ago.

This is amazing to us and we are so thankful for every detail of this story God is writing. I am thankful to a part of it!!

Check out Kevin's blog:
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