Here is the program…really quite simple and we can modify it to any organization or fundraising event you need.
We have coffee bag samples for you to go with your order forms…
Each bag of coffee is Fresh Roasted each week so you will receive it within 48 hours of roasting.
The blend of coffee we are offering is a delicious blend of specialty grade coffee. It is a medium roast blend of Central and South American coffees with a touch of Ethiopian. This aromatic blend releases a wonderfully smooth cup of coffee with rich nutty and chocolate tones to please your palate. With every cup you drink you can know that you are making a difference in the life of an orphan and helping to change their life forever!
Each bag contains 12 ounces of Fresh Roasted coffee and costs only $10…the same as what you would pay at the grocery store or your favorite coffee shop.
Complete the order form…
Complete customer information
Choose whole bean (W) or ground coffee (G)
Choose Regular ( R ) or DECAF coffee ( D )
Total the number of bags the customer is ordering
Total the amount of the sale for the customer
Collect the amount due…
Each Monday by 12:00 noon…please fax or e-mail your order to Kevin so we can consolidate the orders.
FAX: 770-889-0337
E-Mail: Kevin@EverythingCoffee-Tea.com
· Your coffee will be roasted and packaged each Tuesday and delivered to you each Thursday…just 48 hours after roasting! Fresh Coffee!!
· We will collect your money each week when your coffee is delivered to you.
All profits from this fundraiser will go toward the adoption costs for Aleks and making him a part of our family forever. $5 of every bag sold is going to the adoption fund for Aleks. Our goal is 2500 bags of coffee. If we can get just 100 people to sell only 25 bags of coffee…we have reached our goal. Any extra funds raised over and above our adoption expenses will then be donated to One World Adoption to help others offset the costs associated with adoption.
If you are interested in participating in our fundraiser please e-mail or call Kevin or myself.