Do you get up each morning wondering what you are going to be doing each day? Do you think through a checklist in your head before you hit the floor? Well, I live off a checklist, but it is on my phone and if I don't have reminders on my calendar, it just might get forgotten...

The past few months have been busy for the Tuttle house. Kristen is now a Sophomore and she made it through Algebra I! Rachel has moved into the 7th grade with writing creative stories along the way. They both worked so hard to finish school early this year and they succeeded! I am very proud of them! Aleks has successfully completed a year of school in America...and he did great! We played catchup with a lot of language, reading and phonics. He has moved out of the "easy" stuff and now moving it the "it is not fun" stages of school...hummm! He now sounds like an American tween!

The girls completed a wonderful year at a local dance studio where we all made new friends that we will treasure forever...and the concert was an amazing tribute to our Savior! And I saw the girls dance like never before and felt the emotion of each turn! They were beautiful!

Aleks has worked to earn several belts in karate through the school year and seems to really focus more with each class he takes...I have loved to see the positive influence karate has as he is pushed to have more respect and discipline for others and authority!

The events of the school year have come to an end for 2010! And we all are doing the "happy dance!"

So, on to the details of our summer calendar...

Early mornings...

up at 5:45 || Kristen and myself at church by 7:15 a.m. so we can work with a fun team at Highland Day Camp...

and the rest of the gang...Rach helping as a junior counselor, traveling to the Carolinas with dad, Aleks working through summer language and phonics, karate...humm, and maybe even a sleepover or two!

I have missed writing my short thoughts...maybe I should put blogging on my calendar too!
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