March 3, 2009

Have you ever wondered why you put so many things on your calendar? After all, there are seven days to get it all done and at least 24 hours in each day…Well, I think there just wasn’t enough time or days in the last few weeks.

At the start of the craziness – two weeks ago, Kevin was out of town for the weekend, Kristen had a dress rehearsal for dance, Sunday morning activities, a doctor’s visit that lead to a mix up and then had to reschedule my doctor’s physical, a DVD that would not render for four days (computer issue), girl’s dance classes, Worship Team rehearsal, weekly Bible study, a one day conference, a meeting with Kelly at the mall for our last home study, Kristen’s doctor checkup (Rachel's was the week before), EC&T’s board meeting, Kristen’s competition in Buckhead for the weekend….and more fun Sunday activities …

By, Sunday night, I was a little pooped…but through all of this busyness, you are wondering what the latest and greatest God-moment is??? Well, here it is…

We just received word a few days ago that another family received their call and is headed to Latvia on the March 17. What does this mean for us, you ask? If we can get all documents and money for our Dossier finalized by March 16, our paperwork will travel over with this family to be delivered to Latvian authorities for review.

That is just two weeks to complete the Dossier and get the $2300 that needs to go to Dina in Latvia. Oh...and the $1000 for Kelly to complete the Dossier by March 16...

Not much to God (but kinda stresses me and excites me!)

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I am so excited for you! Mike and I and our boys will pray for you. Adoption is such a special thing. When Mike and first met, we talked about how wonderful we thought adoption was. We know now (and when we found out we couldn't conceive) that adoption was God's plan for us. We have been blessed with two precious sons. I can't wait to read more about your journey to bring Alex home. Love you!

  2. We are so exicted to see Alex is being adopted! We are the Clinger Family from Carrollton! We hosted Dinz from Latvia and are also in the process of adopting him as well as re-hosting him this Summer! We had the pleasure of meeting Alex and the young couple who hosted him this past Christmas. We are so thankful your family stepped forward to call him son! We will pray for your journey! In His Service-The Clingers