DSC_0507From December 21 through March 21, the calendar is set as Winter. So I stopped to think about what winter meant to me this year. It has been a time of Rest. I have taken the past few months to to do just that – Stop. While I watched the holiday season come, and go and the busyness that everyone feels and talks about…I rested. I have taken time to look at all the trees, plants and birds.  They all have gone into a quiet moment of silence. The wonder of winter, seemed to truly reflect a God’s Sabbath, so to speak, in His seasons. We were even blessed with a long break of winter white. The bend of the trees, crunch of the snow, the visible breath in the air all brought a quiet beauty.


Through our Winter, we have also been able to change our moments of time together as a family. We have begun to study and learn what keeping the Sabbath means and we have been spending that time together, with candles, devotions and study of Hebrew roots and history. With each bit of knowledge, we seem to understand a little more of our relationship with God, his plan for us as his children and how scripture is so detailed from the beginning to end. We have learned about the Torah-Law, which is first five books of the Old Testament, how Christ came to fulfill and live out the law and how we need to be living as children of God. It has been so interesting and exciting! And there is just so much to learn.

With the changing of the air, it seems God has directed our family with yet another adventure. The emotion of this change, well, has been…emotional, breathtaking with a touch of bravery for all!!! You see, Kevin and I have known for awhile that God has been preparing us for something different. Something that would make a difference in the lives of others…children and adults. But, what that is supposed to look like…we are not sure, YET. But what we do know is God made something VERY clear. God was directing Kevin out of his current business and into a leap of faith. He stepped down from our business of almost seven years…a partnership with family and friends…and into the unknown…

God has been growing Kevin and I specifically for seven plus years for ministry and missions. And I know that with all the adventures we have been on with both of our jobs, He is preparing us for an assignment that only He knows the details…

The way I look at it, if you are on the monkey bars, you have to let go with one hand to swing to the next bar!  monkeybars

So, the Winter Rest and Change…has made me trust MORE in the ONE in charge!DSC_0848

Pray for each of us as the adventure continues….

Love to all, Cindy

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