Today, I was just thinking about my years at home…and how Mom helped me through the difficulty of spelling and being Dyslexic, the creations of science projects, comforted my scraped knees and broken arms, supported all my singing competitions, and art projects…

She waited for me as I jumped off the school bus, taught me the love of flowers gardening, let me lick the brownie bowl, laughed as I melted tupperware in the microwave. Mom sat through every ball game that I cheered at, and truly didn’t like being in the passenger seat as I learned how to drive, let me talk all the way home from college…every weekend.

She gave Kevin many questions to answer to make sure he was okay to marry, and helped clean, organize and sweep our house as we built it…

Mom was with me at every baby shower and the deliveries of her first grand daughters…She babysat them and laughed at all the funny things they did along the way, she  helped me through medical problems and stood with me as we saw our son for the first time.

She continues to be my inspiration. She is a wonderful example as a mom and friend.

Thank you for everything you do!




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1 Response
  1. Deina Says:

    I agree!!!! We are BLESSED to have such an amazing Mom!!!!!