Through the quiet of my mornings as I sit and study, I am learning!

One of the amazing things I have learned over the past few weeks is what it is to be a Talmidim or Talmidah (female), a disciple.

To follow a rabbi meant something other than sitting in a classroom and absorbing the lectures that he gave. It involved a literal following. The disciples would travel with, live with and imitate their rabbi. They not only learned from what they said but from what they did. From the everyday life to the manner in the way they lived their lives. A disciple worked to become as much like the rabbi as possible. This is much like an apprenticeship.

Why is this so reliant now? Well, like Jesus' first talmidim, we are to become his faithful disciples. We too, are called to make disciples of all nations, Matthew 28:19.

So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God is present, desiring to speak and work through us at every moment. And just imagine how amazing each day would be if we thought of everything we did this way.

It may not be easy but it will be good; a greater passion and purpose...fulfillment.

Following Yeshua means sharing our lives with the community His has placed us into!
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